5 Reasons to Never Miss a Monday Workout

There’s a reason why there’s an endless number of #NeverMissAMonday pics on Instagram – because these people have unlocked the secret to hacking their productivity for the week ahead. Starting the week with a workout is an ideal way to gain momentum and focus for the rest of the week. By choosing to work a little harder on Monday, we give ourselves permission to perform better in both physical and mental capacities, and thus create a trajectory that is ripe for success. In this blog post, we’re sharing our favourite reasons why Mondays are the best days to workout. 

Sets the trajectory of your week ahead

We get it. Sometimes hitting the snooze button on a Monday morning can feel like the most delicious act of self-care. But what if we told you that 30-min sleep in can change the entire trajectory of your week.

Say you’ve set yourself a goal to make it to three Pilates or yoga classes this week. Ticking one off on a Monday, means you have more flexibility around when you can fit the other two classes in, and allow your body time to rest in between workout days.

We all have unexpected things that pop up during the week that can prevent us from making it into the studio. Therefore, by getting your Monday workout done and dusted, come Friday you’ll be feeling great knowing you’ve hit your movement goals. Heck, you may even feel so motivated you join us in the studio for an early Saturday morning class too!

Starts your week with a healthy habit

There’s a very good reason why we humans love to make new year's resolutions –  because the new calendar year acts as a symbolic new beginning. But you don’t have to wait until January 1 rolls around to start new healthy habits. Working out on Mondays serves as a reset button. No matter how much you indulged over the weekend, you get to choose different habits for the week ahead that will set you up for success. 

Kicking your week off with a booty-burning barre class, or soothing yoga flow, can help you stay mindful of the importance (not to mention all the feel-good benefits) of physical activity throughout the week. Plus, making exercise part of your weekly routine can help develop healthy habits. More on that later.

Increases Energy Levels Throughout the Day

There’s no denying, we can all feel a little sluggish from time to time, when Monday morning rolls around. But what if we told you that jumping into your favourite pair of leggings and hitting the Pilates reformer or yoga mat could help you feel more energised throughout your day?

That’s right, kicking off your Monday morning with some gentle and fun exercise, will help you stay more energised for the rest of your day, giving you an extra boost to tackle all that comes your way. Exercise is known to release endorphins, which act as natural energy boosters and can increase alertness, focus and productivity throughout the day. Therefore, exercising in the morning increases motivation and helps prevent afternoon slumps. If you know you’ve got a big to-do list waiting for you to tackle once you make it to the office, save yourself some money on your 3pm afternoon coffee and opt for a natural energy boost from exercise instead. 

Improves Mental Performance and Focus on Work

Not only will you be feeling more energised thanks to those extra Monday-morning squats and lunges, you’ll likely notice that you’re breezing your way through your to-do list, with less overwhelm than usual. That’s thanks to a few handy hormones – serotonin and dopamine, which get a little extra boost after you’ve been exercising. These hormones regulate mood and contribute to emotional balance, helping you feel less stressed, and improve productivity when tackling demanding tasks. That extra dose of endorphins will also help to increase positive thinking, so you can stay motivated towards accomplishing all your goals throughout the remainder of the week.

Helps you make better eating habits

Wanting to change your food habits? If you’ve noticed just how many empty chocolate bar wrappers seem to be in your desk drawer by Friday afternoon, and are wanting to do something about it, then starting your week off with a barre or Pilates class could be just the thing you need. A 2019 study showed that regular exercise can help you make healthier food choices, without having to count calories or crash-diet.

Ready to start your week with a Monday morning workout. Here’s our tips to make it work for you.

Step One
Book your classes. Simple we know, but once it’s in the schedule you’re more likely to commit to going. The great news is, you can book up to a month in advance. Make your Monday morning movement your number one feel-good non-negotiable.

Step Two
Get prepared. Think about what it’s going to take to get you to that Monday morning class. You might like to choose your outfit the night before, and lay it out ready. Blend up a smoothie on Sunday evening, so you can enjoy a nutritious breakfast between your workout and heading to work (no one needs to battle Gold Coast traffic on an empty stomach!). Or it might be as simple as heading to bed a little earlier, putting your phone on silent and reading a good book, so you can have a peaceful night’s sleep and wake feeling refreshed. You know what your body needs to make it happen. Now’s the time to put it into action!

Step Three
Keep accountable. Need that little extra push? Let your instructor know that you’re committing to a new Monday morning routine, so they can cheer you on when you show up, and check in with you if you didn’t make it. Or buddy up with a friend, if you feel like not showing up will be just a little too easy.

There you have it. 5 brilliant reasons why a sweaty start to the week is good for your body, mind and soul. Boost your mood, gain more energy and even improve work productivity levels and focus, all thanks to a little barre, Pilates or yoga – who knew it could be so easy! If you’ve been looking for a reason (or five) to never miss a Monday workout again, we hope this list helped. And, if you’re now inspired to get up and active on a Monday morning, our team can’t wait to see you in our studios. You’ll find our Tugun Beach and Cornerstone studio located in Tugun, on the southern end of the Gold Coast! Book in today and start your week the right way!


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