Terms & Policies
These terms and conditions outline important information about becoming a TBM client. Please be sure to read this document mindfully before you join and if you have any questions please be sure to ask us prior to agreeing to these terms. The terms of this agreement nullify anything that you may have been told by anyone. If you have been told anything different to what is contained in this document, then you should discuss this with us before agreeing to these terms. The terms and conditions of our studios may change from time to time and you will always be able to see the most up to date terms and conditions here.
In these Terms and Conditions we use the following definitions:
“The Body Method” “TBM”, “us”, “we”, “our” all means jointly and severally The Body Method – Sake & Co Pty Ltd (ACN: 634828872).
“Representatives” means The Body Methods’ directors, officers, contractors, employees, consultants, partners, advisers or other affiliates appointed or acknowledged by The Body Method.
“Terms and Conditions” means this agreement.
“Student” means any paying client of The Body Method.
“Studio” means a physical premises operating by The Body Method anywhere in the world offering and providing various goods and services, including without limitation the services.
“Services” means yoga, Pilates, barre, modFIT, boxFIT meditation, chiropractic, massage and associated fitness and well-being services / instruction, whether conducted at The Body Method or offered through a remote program.
“Class” means a physical exercise class held at the studio which provides yoga, Pilates, barre, modFIT, meditation and associated fitness services / instruction, whether conducted at The Body Method or offered through a remote program.
“Class schedule” means, for each studio, a schedule for the conducting of classes implemented by us from time to time
“Online booking system” means the Mind Body Online program used at The Body Method
“You” means you, a person who either:
A paying client; or
Enters any studio regardless of payment / membership status
“Member” means any client participating in classes at The Body Method or via a remote program, paid or otherwise.
“Remote program” includes but is not limited to any Service or Class that is offered via a live-streaming service or via a pre-recorded program that is accessed by you at premises separate to The Body Method studios.
Terms + Conditions.
You must inform us and any instructors if there are any risks to your health by participating in any of the sessions, Classes or Services held at The Body Method or offered by The Body Method via a remote program, such as if you have a pre-existing injury, illness, muscle soreness/discomfort, are pregnant, have a pre-existing condition or otherwise are not healthy and able, prior to commencement (a “medical condition”). Where you have a medical condition, we strongly recommend that you seek approval and clearance from a medical practitioner to participate in any of our sessions (including remote programs), Classes or Services. Participating in any form of exercise at our studios (or via remote programs) with a medical condition is done entirely at your own risk.
The Body Method and its instructors, contractors and employees are not medically trained and are therefore not qualified to assess whether students are in good physical condition and/or that students can engage in active or passive exercise without detriment to that person’s health, safety, comfort or physical condition. Students are advised to seek medical advice prior to commencing any exercise program if they are in any doubt about their ability to engage in exercise. Participating in any form of exercise at our studios or via remote programs is done entirely at your own risk.
We are not responsible in any way for the safekeeping of your personal belongings that you bring into our studios. As such, we strongly recommend that you refrain from bringing any valuable personal belongings into our studios, such as mobile phones, jewellery, personal devices, wallets, bags and purses. Bring only any personal belongings into our studios which are absolutely necessary for you to possess for the duration of your visit. Any personal belongings left behind will be kept in lost property by the studios for a maximum of 1 week after which time they will be given to charity.
You acknowledge that our instructors may use tactile cueing and adjustment methods, or make physical contact with you for correction purposes in order to ensure that your Services or Classes are undertaken in accordance with known practice methods (“Practice Methods”). The use of the Practice Methods are designed to maintain a safe Services or Classes for you, deepen your learning of our Services or Classes, and to grow your capabilities for our Services or Classes. Participating and engaging in Practice Methods are done entirely at your own risk.
We reserve our right to change our opening hours at our studios on any given day without notice to you, or to change the time of a remote program that is scheduled to be live-streamed. You will be notified of any permanent changes to our opening hours or for those remote sessions that are live-streamed.
The duration of all classes at The Body Method or remote programs vary depending on the class and the studio. Out of consideration to the studio, the trainers, other clients and yourself, please be aware that students will not be permitted late entry to any class under any circumstances. We recommend you aim to arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the scheduled commencement time of a class to avoid disappointment. Failure to arrive on time means the late cancellation policy will apply and your spot may be given to a student on the waitlist. Students are strongly discouraged from departing Classes prior to their scheduled conclusion time, as it is disruptive to the enjoyment of other Students attending those Classes.
If the class you are wanting to attend is fully booked please sign up for the waiting list. We suggest you also sign up to another class to avoid missing out.
Trainers, instructors, scheduling, timetabling, classes, pricing and memberships are subject to change without notice. The Body Method reserves the right to cancel any class if necessary without notice.
We use the “The Body Method” logo brands and wording as trademarks (which are registered as trademarks in Australia by us) in connection with our Services, and we are also the exclusive owner of logos, artwork, photographs, videos, instruction manuals, teaching materials, instructional compilations, website designs and other materials created to promote our Services or our studios. You shall not be permitted to copy, reproduce, sell, distribute, license or otherwise use the material unless you must obtain our prior written consent, this includes any images taken by you within The Body Method studios (which may be withheld by us in our absolute discretion).
Terms + Conditions – Purchases.
For any casual sessions, remote sessions, packages and private classes, the date of activation of the purchase will occur from date and time of purchase. Casual passes, packages and private classes will expire after 6 months from the date of activation. New client offers at Cornerstone and new client offers at Tugun Beach will expire after 21 days. No refunds, transfers, suspensions, swaps or extensions are offered due to illness, injury, change of address, change of mind or any other reason. Passes may not be shared or transferred for any reason at any time. Anyone sharing passes does so expressly without the consent of The Body Method and will be denied all future entry and forfeit their pass.
Terms + Conditions – Direct Debit.
When you enter into a direct debit agreement with us your recurring payments will be secured at the said rate for a period of three months. Direct debits roll over to the following three months unless cancelled in writing as per terms and conditions. We reserve the right to increase your direct debit after the three month period and will notify you with one month’s written notice if this is the case.
Classes cannot be rolled over to the following week if not used within the 7 days, the unused classes will be forfeited.
Whilst on direct debit you are able to book in advance of your payment being deducted (within our 21 day scheduling period for our Unlimited Weekly Membership at our Cornerstone Studio, 60 day scheduling period at our Tugun Beach Studio, and 7 day scheduling period for our Multi Studio Limited Weekly Membership at both Cornerstone and Tugun Beach Studios), however this is only possible once your initial payment has been deducted.
Any late cancellation of a scheduled session made without 6 hours prior notice will result in a cancellation fee equal to the cost of the session. The same policy will apply if you are a no show or absent, unfortunately no leniency will be given for illness, injury, change of address, change of mind or any other reason. If you are on an unlimited pack for direct debit your account will be debited a $10 late cancel / absent free. We do have to be fair and consistent with all clients therefore no exceptions will be made to this cancellation policy.
If there are more than four early cancels within the fortnight, we reserve the right to terminate your direct debit. Unlimited Direct Debit agreements are set to a maximum of two classes a day for health and safety reasons.
We reserve the right to charge reasonable administration fees or terminate memberships / direct debits for students whose payments fail on a regular basis. We reserve the right to terminate direct debit memberships for students who fail to respond to correspondence from us regarding failed payments.
Membership fees for the direct debit members will be charged to a holder’s nominated credit card or bank account once per week via a third party payment provider (Ezidebit). Late Cancellation fees will be processed daily.
It is the direct debit agreement holder’s responsibility to ensure there are sufficient funds available in their nominated bank account or credit card to cover the applicable fees for the debit memberships. If a payment is declined for any reason, The Body Method reserves the right to process payment anytime where sufficient funds are available in the nominated bank account or credit card in order to settle any fees that are owed. If an direct debit /auto-payment is declined due to insufficient funds, out of date credit cards or for any other reason, our payment provider will charge an additional fee of $2.50 from the second attempt at the debit and $11.90 for any failed transactions that have not been rectified within 7 days.
The Body Method is in no way responsible for additional fees that a holder may incur from their bank in relation to processing payment of fees for debit memberships. If you would like to suspend your weekly direct debit /auto-payment membership payments, please submit your request in writing via email to hello@thebodymethod.com.au. The suspension may be for a minimum of one week and a maximum of four weeks for any single suspension period. Holders must provide 5 business days of notice for any suspensions and are only permitted to suspend their debit memberships for a maximum of four weeks per year. Suspensions will not be accepted via Facebook, telephone, text message, in person or any medium other than via email. Please note that we cannot back date the suspension request, or process your request on the same day. Your suspension request will be processed within five business days, and confirmation will be sent via email. If the debit from the nominated bank account or credit card for a debit membership fees fails after attempts lasting a period of two weeks or more, The Body Method may in its absolute discretion cancel the debit membership.
By creating a debit membership, the holder agrees to the terms and conditions of our third party biller, currently Ezidebit. Ezidebit’s terms and conditions can be found in hard copy at reception for our Studios or their website.
Direct debits cannot be shared or transferred to another person at any time.
Terms + Conditions – Returns + Refunds.
All purchases and direct debit transactions are non-exchangeable, non-refundable or non-transferable. Unfortunately, we are not able to refund any client for unused membership periods or class passes.
Terms + Conditions – Introductory Offers.
Cornerstone and Tugun Beach Studio introductory offers and/or new client specials are valid for 21 days from date of first use. Our intro offers are available for use by one person only and are non transferable. The intro offer will activate when you book into your first class. Intro offers cannot be suspended. Classpass users are not eligible to claim an introductory offer or a new client special.
Terms + Conditions – Class Attendance + Cancellations.
To ensure you can attend a class, you must pre-book your attendance to any classes held at our studios using the online booking system available on our website or mobile application. This is required in order to ensure that there is sufficient space for students to attend any single class. Otherwise, you may attend our studios prior to the scheduled commencement time for any class and you may attend that class, where there is sufficient availability and space to be determined at our sole discretion.
Our booking schedule opens 21 days in advance for our Cornerstone studio and 60 days for our Tugun Beach Studio.
Bookings are preferably made through our website or via our app with our secure online booking system. All purchases are non-transferrable and non-refundable. All payment must be made upon booking and prior to the scheduled start time of the class. You will not be able to attend a class if payment has not been made. You can pay for your class through the secure online booking system or for any non-online bookings there is a facility in the studio in which payments will be collected.
We understand unforeseen circumstances can arise; if you need to reschedule or cancel your booking you can do so up to 6 hours prior to your in-studio class, and 2 hours before your virtual class, commencing via the online booking system. To cancel your booking, sign in to your account, go to the 'My Schedule' tab and from there you can view, edit and manage your bookings. When you cancel your booking, your class credit will remain in your account and you can reschedule a class for another time. Rescheduled classes must be used within 3 months. We will not accept cancellations by phone, e-mail or any other method other than by using the online booking system.
Any late cancellation of a scheduled session made without 6 hours prior notice for in-studio classes, & 2 hours prior notice for virtual classes, will result in a cancellation fee equal to the cost of the session. The same policy will apply if you are a no show or absent. As stated above, if you are on an unlimited pack or direct debit your account will be debited a $10 late cancel / absent fee for in-studio classes only. We do have to be fair and consistent with all clients therefore no exceptions will be made to this cancellation policy.
Terms + Conditions – Children.
All clients must be 14 years or older to attend a class. For those under 18 parental consent is required prior to participating in class. Unfortunately, our studios are not kid friendly, except in those classes stated otherwise. There are no childcare facilities in the studio, children are allowed to sit and watch at the studio, as long as they are quiet and not disruptive to the class.
Liability Waver
There is a risk when training at The Body Method:
Upon entering any of The Body Method studios, or participating in any remote program offered by The Body Method (including but not limited to live-streamed sessions or pre-recorded sessions), I agree to enter and use all the facilities and services of The Body Method, or to participate in the remote programs of The Body Method, entirely at my own risk, both in, around the premises or in a separate location (whether public or private). I recognize that The Body Method offers personal fitness training on and with various Pilates, yoga, barre, boxing equipment and fitness machinery. This equipment requires strength, flexibility and aerobic exercise, which can at times be a dangerous and strenuous activity and that while participating in it I may be exposed to certain risks including death and disability. I agree that I am voluntarily participating in such exercise and assume all risk of injury, illness, death, damage, or loss to me or my property.
By partaking in any physical exercise, class or activity (including remote programs) or using any equipment, object or furniture on the premises or in a separate location, I do so solely at my own risk. By accepting these terms, I, my heirs and assigns hereby release The Body Method, the owner, the director, the provider, it’s employees, affiliates, contractors and others acting on its behalf from any and all claims or liabilities including but not limited to negligence.
I declare myself to be physically sound, in good health and suffering from no condition or impairment (known or which ought to be known) that would prevent my safe participation in the physical or non-physical activities at The Body Method. I agree to keep The Body Method informed of changes in my physical condition.
I agree that either 1) I should consult with my physician before participating in the physical or non-physical activities at The Body Method or participating in any remote program offered by The Body Method; or 2) I have decided to participate in these activities without the approval of my physician and assume responsibility for that participation.
Packages and all classes purchased expire after 6 months of purchase date unless otherwise stated. No refunds / exchanges / transfers / sharing can be made. I understand that The Body Method has the right to amend or alter these terms at its sole discretion with, or without any notice and reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.
I agree that The Body Method is in no way responsible for the security or safekeeping of my property or personal belongings whilst I am at the studios. The Body Method does not assume responsibility for any lost, stolen or damaged personal property.
I have read the terms and conditions on the website and by signing this I agree to all terms and conditions outlined by The Body Method.
Pregnancy Wavier
In addition to the covenants and representations above: I have had clearance from my medical provider stating I am able to participate in physical activity of the type offered by The Body Method. I have been informed, understand and am aware the physical requirements used in certain exercises. The use of equipment can be potentially dangerous and I have been informed, understand, and am aware that fitness activities involve a risk of injury and that I am voluntarily participating in these activities and using equipment with full knowledge, understanding, and appreciations of the dangers involved. I have read the terms and conditions on the website and by signing this I agree to all terms and conditions outlined by The Body Method.