7 Reasons Men Should Get Into Yoga

There are a lot of reasons why people should start practicing yoga. It's great for your mind, body and soul. But in the spirit of Movember, and focusing on all things men’s health, we're going to share just some of the benefits yoga can have for men. Here are seven reasons why every guy should give yoga a try, plus we’ve got some great yoga poses to try even if you’re a complete beginner!

Reduces stress

Stress is a common problem for us all, and it can have a negative impact on both physical and mental health. Yoga can help to reduce stress levels, which can improve overall health. The deep breathing, stretching and relaxation poses that form part of each yoga routine can help to calm the mind and release tension from muscles, reducing stress levels.

Yoga has been shown to reduce levels of cortisol – the hormone responsible for mounting our stress response. It has also shown great benefits in reducing blood pressure, which according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, is more likely to occur in men than women.

Increases flexibility

As we age, ligaments, tendons and muscles can lose their flexibility – especially if they’re not being used. If you’re finding it harder to pick things up off the floor, feel stiffer in the mornings or after long periods of sitting, then you can most likely benefit from bringing some yoga into your weekly exercise routine.

While many people believe that yoga is only for women, this is not the case. These activities can be extremely beneficial for men, especially those who are not very flexible. Through the gentle stretching of muscles, yoga can increase flexibility, helping to prevent injuries, improve range of motion, and increase blood flow to the muscles. Looking to add a little ‘ibility’ to your flex??? Try including some Cobra Stretches, Child’s Pose and Bridge-Pose to your warm-up and cool-down routine.

Enhances focus & energy levels

Need an energy boost? Before you reach for that second (or third!) cup of coffee, why not pull out the yoga mat and give a few yoga moves a try. Because yoga involves deep breathing and relaxation, more oxygen flows to the brain and improves overall circulation. Additionally, the deep stretching involved in yoga can help to release tension from the muscles, resulting in increased energy levels. Ready to try it for yourself? Standing Forward Fold, Warrior 1 & Warrior 2 are some easy yoga poses that can be done anywhere – even in your office cubicle before that 3pm meeting! 

Improves posture & balance

Yoga can require a great deal of focus and coordination, which can help to improve balance. This is important for men as they age, as balance problems can lead to falls and other injuries. Balance is improved through yoga, as it focuses on moving through each pose, transitioning with strength, and bringing mindfulness to the body. Because yoga also focuses on building core strength, you’ll likely also notice that your posture improves as you get stronger and more flexible. No more hunch-backs for you!

If you’re looking to challenge and improve your balance, give Eagle Pose, Tree Pose and Side Plank Pose a try!

Helps relieve pain

Believe it or not (hopefully you choose to believe it!), yoga can actually help reduce pain. This is especially beneficial for men who suffer from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, back or knee pain. It’s also been shown to be beneficial for fibromyalgia and even headaches. Although it may be tempting to reduce your exercise with chronic pain, there have been many studies that suggest yoga can be a great form of reducing pain and improving quality of life. A 2020 study showed mind-body integrated movement to have beneficial effects on both the psychological distress and physical pain associated with chronic lower back pain.

Boosts immune system

Suffering from the man flu? We’ve got good news for you – yoga can also boost immunity! In fact, yoga is particularly effective at boosting the immune system. As yoga contributes to a reduction in cortisol, yoga is thought to help modulate the immune response. Yoga can support the thymus gland, which is responsible for producing T-cells, which help protect the body against infections and viruses. Additionally, poses such as Downward Dog, can help improve the flow of the lymphatic system, including the sinuses, aiding in clearing them out. Chest and lung opening poses help flush out the lungs and increase lung mobility. 

As such, yoga can be an extremely beneficial practice for anyone looking to boost their immunity.

Improves sleep quality

When you live a busy life, as so many of us do, sleep can make all the difference to your day. A great night’s sleep can help you feel more productive and put you in a great mood for the day ahead. And we all know what happens when we have a bad night’s sleep!

Practicing yoga tends to encourage better sleep, improving the quality of sleep by reducing the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and increasing the amount of time spent in deep sleep. As we’ve discussed above, yoga also reduces the levels of stress hormones in the body, which are known to interfere with sleep. 

Yoga is an excellent form of exercise for men of all ages, with an increasing number of men hailing it for the numerous benefits it provides. From reducing stress to improving sleep quality, there are few areas of life where the low-impact poses of yoga don’t deliver. If you’ve been on the fence about trying out yoga, hopefully this list has inspired you to give it a try. And remember – new students can grab a 5-class pass for only $50, to join us in our Cornerstone studio! 


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