8 Yoga poses to improve flexibility

Finding that you’re not as flexible as you used to be? You’re not alone. As we age, it can become increasingly difficult to maintain our flexibility. But that doesn’t mean all hope is lost! Maintaining your suppleness at any age is definitely possible with the right approach - and that’s where yoga comes in! Join us as we explore our favourite yoga stretches that will help you improve flexibility, even if you’re a complete beginner!

Cat/Cow Pose

Yoga Cat Cow Illustration

The cat/cow pose is great for opening up the spine and increasing flexibility in the hips. The tighter your hips are, the less mobility you’re likely to experience. Practising the cat/cow pose daily can help reduce any tension in your hip flexors and is a great way to begin your day. 

Start on your hands and knees, with shoulders directly above wrists and hips in line with knees. Inhale as you drop your belly towards the ground while looking up and gently arching your back, creating an ‘upward’ facing cow. As you exhale, round your spine up towards the ceiling, pull your belly-button towards the spine and draw your chin towards your chest for a ‘downward’ facing cat. Repeat this gentle movement for 10 repetitions to feel the benefits of cat-cow pose.

Downward Facing Dog

Looking for a way to stretch and strengthen the entire body in just one move? Try Downward Facing Dog. Not only will it help with overall flexibility, it can help calm the mind, as a popular inversion pose for beginners.

Begin on your hands and knees with shoulders directly above wrists and hips in line with knees (yes, you can move straight into downward dog from your cat/cow pose!). Lift your buttocks towards the sky as you straighten your legs and bring your heels back towards the mat or as close as you can reach. Spread your fingers wide and ensure that you are evenly distributing your weight on both hands as you create an inverted 'V' shape with your body. Take a couple of long, deep inhales and exhales before slowly releasing down onto all fours again.

Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a restorative and deeply calming pose. It soothes the body while opening up the hips and letting go of stress in the back, shoulders, and neck. To get into this pose, begin seated on your shins (or with your legs crossed) with bent knees. From here, slowly fold forward until your forehead meets the floor and stretch your arms wide in front or above your head. You can stay in this pose for as long as you need, and is a great pose to utilise in between deep stretches for a moment or two of recovery. When you feel ready, slowly come back up to a seated position.

Seated Forward Bend

A Seated Forward Bend helps to open the spine, hamstrings, groin and hips, making it the perfect yoga pose for if you’re feeling some tension in your hip flexors, pelvic bowl or lower back. 

From your seated position on the mat, open your legs wide apart on an inhale breath, drawing the crown of your head tall and your spine long. Press actively against your heels as you fold the top half of your body over on the exhale. Bring your hands to the floor in front of you when possible – if they don’t reach all the way, use a block or blanket for support. Let your head drop towards the floor, choosing to slowly come out of the pose with an inhale. This is also a powerfully restorative position that can be very calming right before bed, for a great night sleep!

Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose is a great way to open up the hips, as it releases tension in the outer hip and groin, strengthens the back and legs, and helps to reduce injury.

Start at the top of your mat with your feet together. Step your left foot back a comfortable distance, so your two legs form a triangle with the mat, and turn it slightly outward. Line up the heel of your front foot with the arch of your back foot and press through all four corners of both feet into the floor on an inhale. On an exhale, fold forward over your right leg as you extend straight up toward the ceiling with the opposite hand, resting the other arm on your shin or ankle - whichever version is more comfortable for you. Hold this pose for 8-10 breaths before repeating on the other side.

Standing Forward Fold & Half Forward Fold

How to Standing Forward Fold

The Standing Forward Fold and Half Forward Fold poses are great poses for increasing flexibility and balance. These two postures, when performed properly, help to stretch the lower back as well as lengthen the hamstrings, giving your body an all-over feeling of openness. By promoting flexibility in these areas of the body, one may also experience a sense of relief from accumulated tension and stress and can even improve posture when done correctly. 

Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart and let your arms hang. Then slowly bend from your waist, allowing your arms to stretch towards the ground while staying relaxed. Your back should round slightly as you bend, but make sure not to collapse or force the midsection lower than it wants to go. To move into the half-forward fold, draw your back up until it is at right angles with your leg, holding your hands to your shins or knees for support. Stay there for 30 seconds or so before slowly rising back up by rounding through the spine, vertebrae by vertebrae.

Seated Twist

Seated twist is an age-old yoga pose which helps to build overall flexibility in the body and strengthens the spine and shoulders. Practising seated twist helps improve posture, digestion, and circulation in your body.

While sitting comfortably on the floor with your legs crossed, place one hand on the other knee while twisting your upper torso towards it. As you twist, take a deep breath in and exhale slowly allowing your spine to open up to the motion. You can hold this pose for around four to five deep breaths for maximum effect, but always pay attention to how you feel - if something doesn't feel right or causes discomfort, come out of the pose immediately (but slowly!). With regular practice, you will notice a significant improvement in the flexibility through your spine and upper back!


The Cobra Pose (or Bhujangasana) is a great way to increase flexibility in your spine and neck. Especially if you are someone who sits for long periods of time, practising this pose regularly can give you relief from any stiffness or pain. This yoga pose helps to strengthen the muscles of your back and hips, whilst increasing your core stability. It also expands your chest region, allowing for more efficient breathing.

Performing the Cobra Pose correctly involves lying face down on the ground with your feet together and both hands placed flat beneath your shoulders. As you slowly breathe in, use the strength of your back and arms to slowly lift up your torso, flexing through the spine to look forward instead of up towards the ceiling. With each breath out, come a little lower until you reach a comfortable level - there is no need to push too far if it’s not right for your body or yoga level.

It’s never too late to improve your flexibility! Having a flexible body helps with everything from athletic performance, increased range of motion and strength, preventing injury and feeling more energetic. Whether you’re looking for a yoga studio to begin your journey, or want to incorporate more stretching into your fitness regime, we’d love to see you at either of our studios. Join us for a yoga mat class, at our Cornerstone studio or a stretch, roll and release class in our Tugun Beach studio.

Haven’t visited us before? Grab your first Tugun Beach class for just $20 or grab a 5 class pass at Cornerstone for just $50.


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