What Is Barre? Amazing Benefits You’ll Get From a Barre Workout

If you're looking for a workout that's both challenging and low-impact, you can't go wrong with barre. Barre is a type of fitness class that combines elements of ballet, Pilates, and yoga. While it might look like a workout for dancers, it's actually suitable for people of all fitness levels. In this post, we’re exploring all the benefits of barre, whether you’re attending a barre class with us at our Tugun, Gold Coast studio, or doing a barre workout at home.

What is barre and how is it different from other workouts?

In the past two decades, the rise of barre classes have skyrocketed, as it has made a name for itself as a low-impact, high-intensity workout that can result in long, lean muscles and an enviable ‘dancers-bod’. Barre classes date back to the 1950’s, when german-born injured ballet dancer, Lotte Berk, developed a hybrid class combining ballet, Pilates, yoga and a dose of female body empowerment. Today barre workouts are taken up for their effectiveness in toning the muscles at the same time as being easy on the joints.

Barre classes are typically done with a small group of people in a studio setting, lasting between 45-60 mins, with an instructor leading the class. Upon entering the studio, you’ll likely see a variety of barre workout equipment, such as hand weights, resistance bands and balls ready and waiting for you. Taking up a position on your mat, placed perpendicular to a traditional ballet barre, you’d be forgiven for having flash-backs to your 5-year old self in a baby pink leotard and ballet slippers. But this modern-day twist on ballet requires no leotards or painful pointe shoes. Simply turn up in your favourite pair of lulu’s and a comfortable top, and you’ll be ready to point, plié and pulse your way to a barre body.

Thanks to their slow, controlled movements that target multiple muscle groups at once whilst utilising minimal weight (or your own body weight) for resistance, barre workouts are considered low-impact and suitable for all fitness levels. 

Because barre, just like Pilates, focuses on form and alignment many say that it helps them to achieve better posture, improve flexibility and to feel more connected with their bodies. Whilst barre can be both gentle and effective, don’t be fooled into thinking you won’t achieve a cardio burn during barre. You’ll never have experienced 10 seconds so long in your life!

The benefits of barre workouts

Barre classes are a great way to get a full-body workout that can be used to tone-up, slim down or simply boost your energy. Here are just a few of the many benefits of barre workouts:

  • They help to build strength and endurance. Barre workouts are a great way to build strength and endurance, as they incorporate a variety of exercises that work all your major muscle groups.

  • They improve flexibility and balance. Barre workouts often focus on isometric movements, which help to improve flexibility and balance.

  • They are low-impact. Unlike some other types of exercise, barre workouts are low-impact, making them easy on the joints.

  • They are suitable for all fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned barre enthusiast, you can find a class that's right for you.

  • They don’t need any special equipment. If you’re doing an at-home barre class, all you need is a section of floor, a bench or a chair for balance to help support yourself and a willingness to sweat!

How to get started with a barre workout routine

So, you're thinking about giving barre a try? Or maybe you've been to a few classes and you're ready to jump in with both feet? Either way, we're here to help you get started on your barre journey!

First things first, you might want to understand the three basic positions in barre: first position, second position, and third position. 

First position is similar to the starting position in ballet: feet turned out and heels touching. Second position is feet turned out and hips-width apart. Third position is one foot in front of the other with the heel of your front foot touching the toe of your back foot. If you want to feel like a pro at your first barre class, you can practise these ones at home. Go on, we’ll wait.

Now that you’ve got the positions under-wraps, let's talk about some of the basic moves. One of the most important things to remember in barre is that small movements create big results. That's why many of the exercises will have you moving just an inch or two - but trust us, you'll feel it!

Another important thing to remember is that form is key. Make sure that your spine is nice and straight, engage your abs, and tuck your pelvis under so that your whole body forms a nice straight line from your head to your toes.

Okay, ready to try it out? Here are a few moves to get you started:

Plié: Start in first position with your hands on your hips. Bend your knees and lower yourself into a squatting position, then press back up to the starting position. Remember to keep your spine straight and engage your abs at all times!

Relevé: Start in first or second position with one hand on a nearby chair or countertop for balance. Slowly raise up onto your toes, then lower back down again. Remember to keep those abs engaged! Try 10-15 reps on each side.

Pulse: Start in third position with one hand on a chair or countertop for balance (trust us, you'll need it!). Keeping your upper body still, pulse up and down an inch or two for 30 seconds - those tiny movements will start to add up!

Barre workouts are meant to be done gradually - so take it easy at first and don't feel like you have to power through the whole routine right away. Start with just a few minutes at a time and work your way up as you get stronger and more comfortable with the moves. And most importantly - have fun! Before you know it, you'll be hooked!

Simple barre exercises you can try at home

Barre exercises are a great way to get a workout in without having to go to the gym. There are plenty of simple barre exercises you can try at home.

Here are a few simple barre exercises you can try at home:

The Ballet Squat: Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a squat, then raise up onto your toes. Hold this position for 30 seconds or longer.

Bicep Curls: Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and a light weight in each hand, palms facing forward. From here, curl the weights up toward your shoulders, maintaining control as you go. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat.

The Pilates Scissor: Lie on your back with your legs in the air and your head and shoulders off the ground. Place your hands behind your head, then open and close your legs like a pair of scissors.

Posterior Leg Lifts: Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips. Keeping your shoulders down and your core engaged, lift one leg straight back, keeping it in line with your hip. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat.

Ready to give it a try? Give these exercises a go the next time you're looking for a fun, challenging workout you can do at home!

Tips for making the most out of your barre workout

Barre workouts are a great way to mix things up and build strength and flexibility. Here's a quick overview of making the most of your barre workout:

Warm Up and Cool Down: Start by warming up with some light cardio activities like jogging in place, jump rope or some slow gentle pliés. This will help get your muscles warm and ready to work. Barre workouts are known for being challenging, so be sure to cool down and relax your muscles afterwards.

Keep Hydrated: Don’t be fooled into thinking that you won’t be working up a sweat – be sure to keep a water bottle close by to sip on throughout your barre class.

Start Slow. If you're new to barre, it's important to take things slow at first and focus on proper form. Once you have the hang of the basic movements, you can start to pick up the pace.

If you’re looking to add a little fierceness to your workout routine, look no further than barre. This intense and effective workout is perfect for anyone who wants to tone their body, whilst improving flexibility and strength. With our help, you can get started with a barre workout routine today – no experience required! Join us at our Cornerstone studio, located here on the Gold Coast, for an amazing group barre class experience, or sign-up for a free 10-day trial of our online barre, yoga and Pilates platform – TBM OnDemand.


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